About Human.ID Network

The Human ID Network is a podcast network focused on all things that make us uniquely human, such as culture, society,relationships, resilience, and recovery.

Listen to top psychologists, sports stars, gamers and others as they lay their experiences and opinions on the table, giving insight into their learned and lived experiences.

If I Only Knew

Join Matt and Fred as they take a deep dive into the contemporary issues of culture, society, and identity. With different generational perspectives, the duo, and their guests, offer a unique perspective on today’s societal matters.

Using Fred’s psychology background and Matt’s insights into youth conversations, the pair tackle relevant, timely and engaging topics in an entertaining manner that is easy to understand and digest.

Our Episodes

  • EP1
    A Crisis of Modern Masculinity?
  • EP2
  • EP3
  • EP4
    Appified dating
  • EP5
    Communication technology
  • EP6
    Cancel Culture
  • EP7
  • EP8
    Reconciliation week
  • EP9
    A Bit about Bitcoin
  • EP10
    Generational Priorities
  • EP11
    Youth and Work
  • EP12
    Contemporary youth culture - Bo Burnham's 'Inside'
  • EP13
    Once more into the breach - Australia and COVID
  • EP14
  • EP15
    COVID anxiety
  • EP16
    Cosplay communities
  • EP17
    Art as Deviance
  • EP18
    Millennial and Misinformation
  • EP19
    Conservatorships, Brittney Spears, and Wellbeing
  • EP20
    A Bit about Books
  • EP21
    Crisis in Afghanistan
  • EP22
    A Dilemma of Citizenship
  • EP23
    OnlyFans and Explicit Content
  • EP24
    A bit about horror movies
  • EP25
    Moral decision-making
  • EP26
    Reactance Theory
  • EP27
    TikTok and quick fixes
  • EP28
    A bit about viral television
  • EP29
    Communities in video gaming
  • EP30
    International Men's Day and men's health
  • EP31
    Taylor Swift and Millennial Break-Ups
  • EP32
    Youth and protest
  • EP33
    A bit about young people and creative language
  • EP34
    A bit about New Years Resolutions
  • EP35
    Tips, tricks and thoughts for voters young and old
  • EP36
    Staying informed with online reviews
  • EP37
    Australia's new Esafety commission - how safe is it?
  • EP38
    The Tinder Swindler - Online Catfishing
  • EP39
    How the role of sport is changing in our society
  • EP40
    Politics and Pork Barrelling
  • EP41
    Fred survives Covid and the Slap heard around the world
  • EP42
    Can politicians just lie in their ads?
  • EP43
    The Future of Technology and The Metaverse
  • EP44
    The Dangers of the Metaverse
  • EP45
    The opportunities of the Metaverse
  • EP46
    A New Era of COVID?
  • EP47
    Pride and Changing Attitudes
  • EP48
    Australian Election Retrospective
  • EP
    The Psychology of Doomscrolling
  • EP50
    Vision Impairment, Work, and Life
  • EP51
    What Determines the Health Providers Young People Use?
  • EP52
    How different video games foster different cultures
  • EP53
    How individuals make culture in video games
  • EP54
    Is disruptive protest good protest?
  • EP1
    Inflation across generations
  • EP56
    The Queen's Passing
  • EP57
    Influencers, Celebrity, and Health
  • EP58
    Establishing Responsibility for Climate Change
  • EP59
    Netball Australia and Gina Rinehart
  • EP60
    Andrew Tate and Masculinity Across Generations
  • EP61
    Optimism and Pessimism in 2023
  • EP62
    Australia Should be Wary of USA Anti-trans Laws
  • EP63
    First Nations Voice to Parliament across the generations
  • EP65
    What can we learn from Dame Edna Everage?
  • EP65
    Starting fist fights for social media likes
  • EP66
    What a gamer thinks about lootboxes and gambling in video games
  • EP67
    The Generational Divide over Bargaining
  • EP68
    A Revolution of Values at Work
  • EP69
    The Paradox of Standardised Education
  • EP70
    Is the Media Ignoring Migrant Deaths?
  • EP71
    Imposter Syndrome and its Consequences
  • EP72
    The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of 'Hustle' Culture
  • EP73
    A Psychologist's Perspective on Jonah Hill's Texts
  • EP74
    What is a Young Person Thinking in Therapy?
  • EP75
    Should we mandate staff work in offices?
  • EP76
    What does your early career look like nowadays?
  • EP77
    The psychology of loving pets
  • EP78
    Sexism, Assault, and the Women's World Cup
  • EP79
    How to upskill in the workforce?
  • EP80
    The Voice and the Value of Advisory Committees
  • EP81
    #ringarelo - youth political campaigning
  • EP82
    Artificial intelligence and a 'post-photography' world
  • EP83
    Is the Datafication of Gen Z a good thing?
  • EP84
    The Ethics of Kidfluencers
  • EP85
    The Psychology of Schadenfreude on Social Media
Episode 1 6 May

Communication Technology

Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

My Perspective:
Stories of Recovery Experiences.

Recovery is an important concept that is applied across disciplines. CEO of Generation Care, Chris Paton and CEO of The Better Health Generation’s Special Projects, Malcolm Choat are developing a podcast which explores a variety of perspectives of the recovery model.

Chris and Malcolm talk with people who have lived experience of physical health and mental health issues, as well as carers and clinicians. Through the podcast you will hear of their perspectives and experiences, and develop a greater understanding of recovery which you can apply in your clinical work.

Our Episodes

  • EP1
  • EP2
    Daniel's Story
  • EP3
    Anthony's Story
  • EP4
    Ryan's Story
  • EP5
    Jenny's Story
  • EP6
    Todd's Story
  • EP7
    Lisa's Story
  • EP8
    Leesa's Story
Episode 1 6 May

Communication Technology

Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

Humanity Code Podcast

Elite Athletes have wonderful stories of achievement, but importantly these athletes have had to overcome many barriers to achieve that success. In this podcast, former NRL player and CEO of Humanity Code, David Shillington, and his team of professional athletes and accelerators explore themes such as handling setbacks, being coachable, drugs and alcohol, social media, mental health, and motivation. These topics will all be discussed to understand how normal it is to have those challenges, but also how to combat them to achieve your goals, however big or small they might be.

Coming Soon